About Omni Youth Services
OMNI provides prevention services to the community.
Their efforts focus on education, awareness and policy development which promotes and supports the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs used by youth. Individual, family and group services are tailored to specifically address the issues faced by youth who are striving to become drug-free.
OMNI understands the importance of family relationships and the adolescents home environment.
Because these issues play a significant role in helping an adolescent recover from substance abuse, family counseling groups are an integral part of the youths recovery program.
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Buffalo Grove, IL
Here are some additional tips: