About Old Colony YMCA Mental Health Clinic
Substance Abuse Treatment.
Co-occurring substance use and mental health treatment.
Outpatient treatment.
Payment assistance available.
Sliding fee scale treatment programs.
Old Colony YMCA's (OCY) Comprehensive Counseling - a fully-licensed Mental Health Clinic - was developed in 1994 specifically as a resource for children and families within the network of OCY services. Our mission is to augment other YMCA programs to promote positive mental health and well-being. Currently, we provide the range of Behavioral Health services to the public including individual therapy, group therapy, diagnostic evaluations, substance abuse evaluations, referral services, and psychopharmacological services. Treatment is available onsite in our clinic and through tele-health. We also seek to promote psychoeducation in our community and still provide clinical support to all Old Colony YMCA programs.
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Brockton, MA
Here are some additional tips: