About Ridge House
Ridge House is the only statewide organization providing comprehensive re-entry services to former offenders.
The Ridge House offers a wide range of services, all with one goal in mind: to empower their clients to become independent, contributing community members.
They work with every client to:
Establish stable living.
They have 6 facilities that provide homes to 42 people, including a home for women and one for veterans.
Provide a steady job.
Becoming independent is an important part of the transition process, and that starts with a job.
They provide all clients with job placement in local businesses or in their own work program.
Aid in recovery.
Many clients require assistance with substance abuse and mental illness.
Their staff is trained on both and have a success rate that beats national standards.
Develop skills for independent living.
Financial education, counseling and communication skills are fundamental to lifelong success.
They provide all of their clients with the skills needed to be successful at Ridge House and for years to come.
Ridge House Provide:
Mental health counseling Behavioral health counseling Substance abuse counseling Life skills counseling Resume and job skills development courses One-on-one counseling Group counseling Case management Credit restoration Budgeting Voter registration Job placement services Career training Self-help support groups Mentoring and peer services
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Reno, NV
Here are some additional tips: