About KLEAN Long Beach WA
At KLEAN Treatment Centers, they strive to offer a full continuum of care, starting with a professionally managed detoxification program, continuing on with the appropriate treatment program, and setting the client up for success with their highly successful aftercare program. Inpatient treatment programs can take anywhere from 30 days to 90 days, depending on the severity of your addiction, what you are treating, and if you are treating any co-occurring disorders. The programs at each center are strong in their recovery methodology, the therapists and counselors you will work with, and their care after you complete treatment.
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Long Beach, WA
Here are some additional tips: