About Savannah Mission Bible Training Center residential drug and alcohol treatment program
No cost program. Free.
A residential drug and alcohol treatment program,(eight to ten months),Christian based. Savannah Mission Bible Training Center is a division of Mission Teens Inc. A non-profit, non-denominational organization with a Christ-centered, residential program for people of all backgrounds with a history of alcohol and drug abuse or emotional problems. Residential program is 8 months long. It is divided up into four phases each lasting 2 months. As the person proves that they can handle the increasing responsibilities of each phase their privileges will increase. It is a highly structured program with a rigid daily schedule. Everyone is expected to obey the house rules and follow the schedule. Infractions of the rules or schedule are corrected with writing assignments, loss of privileges or extra work chores.
Services: Addiction; Alcoholics; Drug Abuse; Religious; Residential; Substance Abuse;
Fees: None- But will accept donations.
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Savannah, GA
Here are some additional tips: