About DUI and Addiction Counseling Center
DUI & Addiction Counseling Center, INC opened its doors February, 2008 in Mundelein, IL, in order to meet the growing concern of substance abuse/dependency in the community and county. They don't claim to have all the answers, but what they do possess is an empathetic ear, understanding heart, knowledge of the system, and a passion for addiction counseling.
Their counselors have worked in various settings with many types of people, and now they are bringing that knowledge and those skills to Lake and the surrounding counties.
DACC consistently evaluates and improves their services to clients and their families, stay abreast of the latest research in the field of addictions, adhere to an established Code of Ethics in regards to ethical behavior, counseling practices, and the rights and confidentiality of their clients.
Is this treatment center really free?
Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers (which are based on your income and you can qualify for free treatment) and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.
Tips on Choosing a Free Rehab Center in Mundelein, IL
Here are some additional tips: