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Point Pleasant, WV Free Rehab Centers

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you may be wondering where to turn for help. Rehab can be expensive, but there are free rehab centers available in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

We help people take the first steps toward getting help for their drug and alcohol usage and having drug-free lifestyles. To contact an alcohol/drug abuse counselor, please Call Toll Free 1-866-972-0589.

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Free Rehab Centers in Point Pleasant, WV

  • Prestera Center Mason County Addiction Recovery Services

    Email Website Learn more 710 Viand Street
    Point Pleasant, WV - 25550
    (304) 675-2361

    Presteras addictions treatment services is a full continuum of care that includes outpatient services, short and long term residential programs, medically monitored detoxification and transitional living programs which helps provide a safe transition for consumers reentering the community. Treats male and female. Prestera Center offers mental health and addiction recovery services for individuals with co-occurring disorders. As a non-profit organ .. see more

Free Rehab Centers Near Point Pleasant, WV

Due to the low number of listings in Point Pleasant, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of Point Pleasant.
  • Recovery Point Huntington Free Long Term Recovery Program

    Email Website Learn more 2425 9th Avenue
    Huntington, WV - 25705
    (304) 523-4673

    Recovery Point West Virginia (RPWV) offers programs of recovery services to individuals with substance use disorder at no cost to participants. Recovery Point Huntington is a 100 bed long term residential recovery program for men. The residential program follows a peer-driven recovery model based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Resid .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 36 miles from Point Pleasant

  • TASC of Southeast Ohio

    Email Website Learn more 499 Jackson Pike
    Gallipolis, OH - 45631
    (740) 441-2924

    TASC of Southeast Ohio realizes that substance abuse and addiction affects those closest to the addicted person and offers treatment services for family members and other loved ones to help restore their manageability and peace of mind. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 9 miles from Point Pleasant

  • John W. Clem Recovery House

    Email Website Learn more 8044 Dairy Lane
    P.O. Box 1124, OH - 45701
    (740) 593-3797

    The John W. Clem Recovery House is a safe place for men over 18 to recover from addiction to alcohol and drugs. The only such men's facility in Southeastern Ohio, it provides a haven where men can live together in a supervised environment free from alcohol. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 31 miles from Point Pleasant

  • Word House Inc Focus Consultation Services

    Email Website Learn more 401 10th Street
    Huntington, WV - 25701
    (304) 523-9673

    Located in the Downtown Huntington,The Word House, Inc./Focus Consultation Services, Child Assessment and Intervention Services, Covenants Pastoral CareServicesprovides a variety of Behavioral Health, Psychological, and Counseling products and services for individuals, families and couples of all ages. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 37 miles from Point Pleasant

  • Riverpark Hospital

    Email Website Learn more 1230 6th Avenue
    Huntington, WV - 25701
    (304) 526-9117

    The ROAD Program is a residential treatment program for youth with co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders refers to the coexistence of substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. Many adolescents turn to substance abuse in order to relieve pain and distress as a result of physiological, psychological and/or interpersonal problems. It i .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 36 miles from Point Pleasant

  • Huntington Comprehensive Treatment Center

    Website Learn more 135 4th Avenue
    Huntington, WV - 25701
    (888) 221-0492

    Huntington Comprehensive Treatment Center provides medication assisted treatment for men and women, aged 18 and older, who have been struggling with an opioid addiction. Their comprehensive treatment includes the use of specified prescription medications, along with a blend of therapeutic interventions. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 37 miles from Point Pleasant

  • HER Place at Huntington Transitional Women's Long Term Recovery Program

    Email Website Learn more 2711 8th Ave.
    Huntington, WV - 25703
    (304) 523-4673

    HER Place (Recovery Point) is a 13-bed transitional home for women. This program differs from the others, as these women must have 30 days drug-free prior to admission and must immediately obtain employment and pay rent. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 36 miles from Point Pleasant

  • FamilyCare Health Centers - Teays Valley

    Email Website Learn more 97 Great Teays Blvd.,
    Scott Depot, WV - 25560
    (304) 757-6999

    FamilyCare Health Centers offers medication-assisted therapy (MAT) and medication-free therapy for adults with a dependence on opioids, alcohol, and tobacco. Their medication-assisted therapy program includes counseling and medication - Suboxone. They work with patients to choose the method that works best for them. FamilyCare is a non-profit commu .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 30 miles from Point Pleasant

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Free Rehab in all of Mason County, WV

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Sliding Scale Treatment

Based on the most recent data available, it is estimated that approximately 20-25% of all addiction treatment centers offer sliding scale fees. This means that nearly one-quarter of rehab facilities adjust their treatment costs based on an individual's income and ability to pay. This is a significant step towards making addiction treatment more accessible to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

It is important to note that these figures may vary depending on the specific region or state, and the type of treatment facility being considered. For instance, private treatment facilities are more likely to offer sliding scale options compared to government-funded or non-profit facilities. Additionally, certain types of treatment, such as outpatient or residential care, may have a higher prevalence of sliding scale programs.

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Important Definitions

Sliding Scale Treatment Fees that are variable based on the clients ability to pay. Fees are reduced for lower income persons or have less money due to high expenses.

Non-Profit Treatment Many non profit treatment programs are free or are lower cost due to the non profit organizations status.

Faith-Based Treatment Many religious organizations offer drug and alcohol recovery treatment at no cost as part of their ministry services. Many also offer payment assistance for those that qualify.

Medicaid Payment Assistance Medicaid often covers payment for alcohol and drug treatment. Medicaid coverage do differ by State. We provide recovery centers and programs that do accept Medicaid as payment for treatment.

Payment Assistance Payment assistance is available at a large group of treatment centers. We list this detail in the description. Payment assistance programs are often structured due to the situation. You will need to call the location to find out specific details on payment assistance programs.

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