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Eugene, OR Free Rehab Centers

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you may be wondering where to turn for help. Rehab can be expensive, but there are free rehab centers available in Eugene, Oregon.

We help people take the first steps toward getting help for their drug and alcohol usage and having drug-free lifestyles. To contact an alcohol/drug abuse counselor, please .

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Free Rehab Centers in Eugene, OR

  • Emergence Addiction and Mental Health Services

    Email Website Learn more 78 Centennial Loop
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 393-0777

    The programs offered at EMERGENCE are designed to be individualized and accommodate clients with special needs from offering weekend evening groups, for the working adult, as well as sessions in the day for those with childcare barriers. While in the program, individuals are provided with case management services, which help with a variety of individual needs such as obtaining food, clothing, housing, medical, or case specific needs that the in .. see more

  • Centro Latino Americano

    Email Website Learn more 944 West 5th Avenue
    Eugene, OR - 97402
    (541) 687-2667

    Alcohol & Addictions Program serves the needs of youth and adults who self-identify as Latinos. Staff offers this service in a manner that affirms the persons culture and effectively addresses language and communication barriers. Services reflect the norms, values, and beliefs inherent to the clients cultural identity. Program offers screening, assessment, and outpatient treatment conducted in Spanish. Offer classes on suicide .. see more

  • White Bird Clinic Chrysalis Program

    Email Website Learn more 350 East 11th Avenue
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 683-1641

    Chrysalis provides innovative outpatient services for adults over 18 who need alcohol or drug abuse treatment as well as mental health services. The program consists of groups, drug education classes, couples and individual counseling, medical reviews, drug screening and aftercare. Chrysalis is fully licensed by the State of Oregon and provides DUII services that meet the State requirements. Fees: Payment determined on a sliding fee basis. .. see more

  • White Bird Clinic

    Email Website Learn more 341 East 12th Avenue
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 342-8255

    White Bird Clinic provides a wide variety of services ranging from medical and dental clinics to homeless case management and counseling. Case management has 24 hours free crisis intervention service which includes phone and walk in support crisis intervention, mental health information and referral and transportation assistance for people with mental health related disabilities. Counseling is client centered counseling for low income individuals .. see more

  • Willamette Family Inc

    Email Website Learn more 195 West 12th Avenue
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 762-4300

    The Mission of Willamette Family, Inc.  To provide readily accessible, quality mental health and substance abuse/addiction care for men, women, youth, and families in an atmosphere that promotes compassion, healing, respect and well-being for all. They provide services for both men and women in residential and outpatient. Family services, a child development center and a child and family mental health center are all provided at W .. see more

  • Looking Glass Adolescent Recovery Program

    Email Website Learn more 20 East 13th Avenue
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 484-4428

    Looking Glass provides comprehensive residential and outpatient treatment services to teens. Specialized programs help youth dealing with abuse, delinquency, addiction, and mental health issues. The Adolescent Recovery Program (ARP) offers outpatient substance abuse treatment for youth (ages 11-21), who are experiencing difficulties with substance use and abuse, and their families. All youth are also assessed for for cognitive, emotional, .. see more

  • Center for Family Development

    Email Website Learn more 1234 High Street
    Eugene, OR - 97401
    (541) 342-8437

    Center for Family Development has created their programs to address the individual and relational needs of children, adolescents, adults and their families. All programs are research-informed and aim to support the multidimensional needs of individuals. .. see more

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Sliding Scale Treatment

Based on the most recent data available, it is estimated that approximately 20-25% of all addiction treatment centers offer sliding scale fees. This means that nearly one-quarter of rehab facilities adjust their treatment costs based on an individual's income and ability to pay. This is a significant step towards making addiction treatment more accessible to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

It is important to note that these figures may vary depending on the specific region or state, and the type of treatment facility being considered. For instance, private treatment facilities are more likely to offer sliding scale options compared to government-funded or non-profit facilities. Additionally, certain types of treatment, such as outpatient or residential care, may have a higher prevalence of sliding scale programs.

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Important Definitions

Sliding Scale Treatment Fees that are variable based on the clients ability to pay. Fees are reduced for lower income persons or have less money due to high expenses.

Non-Profit Treatment Many non profit treatment programs are free or are lower cost due to the non profit organizations status.

Faith-Based Treatment Many religious organizations offer drug and alcohol recovery treatment at no cost as part of their ministry services. Many also offer payment assistance for those that qualify.

Medicaid Payment Assistance Medicaid often covers payment for alcohol and drug treatment. Medicaid coverage do differ by State. We provide recovery centers and programs that do accept Medicaid as payment for treatment.

Payment Assistance Payment assistance is available at a large group of treatment centers. We list this detail in the description. Payment assistance programs are often structured due to the situation. You will need to call the location to find out specific details on payment assistance programs.

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