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Massey, MD Free Rehab Centers

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you may be wondering where to turn for help. Rehab can be expensive, but there are free rehab centers available in Massey, Maryland.

We help people take the first steps toward getting help for their drug and alcohol usage and having drug-free lifestyles. To contact an alcohol/drug abuse counselor, please .

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We help people take the first steps toward getting help for their drug and alcohol usage and having drug-free lifestyles. To contact an alcohol/drug abuse counselor, please . Add a listing

Free Rehab Centers Near Massey, MD

Due to the low number of listings in Massey, we have added area listings below. All listings are within 30 miles of Massey.
  • A F Whitsitt Center

    Email Website Learn more 300 Scheeler Road
    Chestertown, MD - 21620
    (410) 778-5783

    The Kent County Prevention Program provides services for youth, parents, and other citizens of Kent County. The staff collaborates with many other agencies and organizations to coordinate and implement projects and activities that address substance abuse among youth. The Hours of this facility are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. C .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 15 miles from Massey

  • Open Door Treatment Program Dover

    Email Website Learn more 884-B Walker Road
    Dover, DE - 19904
    (302) 678-4911

    Open Door Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation that provides a comprehensive range of behavioral health services including mental health, substance abuse and psycho-social services throughout Delaware (New Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties). The first step to getting help is to schedule an assessment. An initial assessment is essential to .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 17 miles from Massey

  • Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center Wilmington

    Website Learn more 107 South Market Street
    Wilmington, DE - 19801
    (302) 654-8808

    Salvation Army offers 6-9 month residential program. Includes work therapy .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 32 miles from Massey

  • Pace Inc

    Email Website Learn more 5171 West Woodmill Drive
    Wilmington, DE - 19808
    (302) 999-9812

    Pace, inc. offers compassionate care and comprehensive treatment, as well as confidential evaluations and counseling.Their staff has over 200 years of combined experience with alcohol and drug addiction counseling. Providing treatment you can trust is their life's work. Services provided include drug and alcohol evaluations, drug screening, twelve .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 29 miles from Massey

  • SODAT Delaware Inc

    Email Website Learn more 625 North Orange Street
    Wilmington, DE - 19801
    (302) 656-2810

    SODAT Delaware is the oldest outpatient substance abuse treatment agency in all of Delaware. SODAT offers many programs such as drug screening, drug addiction counseling, out patient counseling and more. These services are offered to help families and loved ones identify, diagnose and treat those with substance abuse issues. SODATs Mis .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 33 miles from Massey

  • Cecil County Health Department

    Email Website Learn more 401 Bow Street
    Elkton, MD - 21921
    (410) 996-5106

    The Cecil County Health Department offers traditional outpatient services for those 18 years and older. Traditional outpatient treatment services consist of completing an evaluation and enrolling in one of the group sessions that are offered. They have traditional adult treatment groups Monday through Thursday at various times throughout the w .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 21 miles from Massey

  • Queen Anne's County Addictions Treatment Service Centreville

    Website Learn more 205 North Liberty Street
    Centreville, MD - 21617
    (410) 758-1306

    Appalachian Community Services provides Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Developmental Disability services to individuals, families, and communities within the seven western counties of North Carolina. The Mission  To promote the emotional and physical well being of consumers in a safe and respectful environment. They are committ .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 23 miles from Massey

  • Brandywine Counseling

    Email Website Learn more 24 Brookhill Drive
    Newark, DE - 19702
    (302) 454-3020

    Payment for services at BCCS is on a sliding-fee scale based on individual and/or family income. No one is turned away because of an inability to pay. However, refusal to pay fees when there is the ability to pay may result in discharge from treatment. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 23 miles from Massey

  • Connections CSP Inc Drug and Alcohol Outpatient

    Email Website Learn more Kirkwood Highway and Polly Drummond Rd, Suites 3304 and 3305
    Newark, DE - 19711
    (302) 442-6622

    Connections Community Support Programs, Inc.provides a comprehensive array of health care, housing, and employment opportunitiesthat help individuals and families to achieve their own goals and enhance our communities. .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 26 miles from Massey

  • Brandywine Counseling and Community Services

    Email Website Learn more 2400 West 4th Street
    Wilmington, DE - 19805
    (302) 731-1504

    An initial assessment is essential to determine the needs of an individual. Open Door, Inc. utilizes a structured interview to assess the unique needs of each person. The assessment should cover the presenting problem and also formulate an understanding of the various domains of an individuals life in order to develop an appropriate personalized tr .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 32 miles from Massey

  • Open Door Treatment Center Newark DE

    Email Website Learn more 254 East Main Street
    Newark, DE - 19711
    (302) 654-1816

    Open Door Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation that provides a comprehensive range of behavioral health services including mental health, substance abuse and psycho-social services throughout Delaware (New Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties). The first step to getting help is to schedule an assessment. An initial assessment is essential to d .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 26 miles from Massey

  • Limen House

    Email Website Learn more 604 North 10th Street
    Wilmington, DE - 19801
    (610) 239-9600

    Limen House offers Short, intermediate and long term substance abuse and mental health services are available for adults, women with children, homeless individuals, and HIV symptomatic substance abusers. Traditional counseling is provided in outpatient settings including Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), Partial Hospitalization, and diversifi .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 33 miles from Massey

  • Legacy Treatment Services Salem Outpatient Department

    Website Learn more 330 Salem Woodstown Road
    Salem, NJ - 08079
    (848) 221-3030

    Substance Abuse Treatment. Co-occurring substance use and mental health treatment. Outpatient treatment. Payment assistance available. Sliding fee scale treatment programs. Our outpatient services for substance abuse include:     Individual and group counseling     Family counseling     Individual and .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 27 miles from Massey

  • VOA Hope Center Baltimore Office Substance Abuse Treatment

    Email Website Learn more 3108 Lord Baltimore Drive,
    Woodlawn, MD - 21244
    (833) 467-3862

    Eligibility Services are available to any individual in need of care, including, but not limited to people with the following: Serious mental illness Serious emotional disturbance Long-term chronic addiction Mild or moderate mental illness Substance use disorders Complex health profiles VOA Hope Center - MD provides care regardless of ability to pa .. see more
    Rehab Center Location: 26 miles from Massey

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Free Rehab in all of Kent County, MD

Find a list with more options by searching in all of Kent, MD County.

Sliding Scale Treatment

Based on the most recent data available, it is estimated that approximately 20-25% of all addiction treatment centers offer sliding scale fees. This means that nearly one-quarter of rehab facilities adjust their treatment costs based on an individual's income and ability to pay. This is a significant step towards making addiction treatment more accessible to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

It is important to note that these figures may vary depending on the specific region or state, and the type of treatment facility being considered. For instance, private treatment facilities are more likely to offer sliding scale options compared to government-funded or non-profit facilities. Additionally, certain types of treatment, such as outpatient or residential care, may have a higher prevalence of sliding scale programs.

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Important Definitions

Sliding Scale Treatment Fees that are variable based on the clients ability to pay. Fees are reduced for lower income persons or have less money due to high expenses.

Non-Profit Treatment Many non profit treatment programs are free or are lower cost due to the non profit organizations status.

Faith-Based Treatment Many religious organizations offer drug and alcohol recovery treatment at no cost as part of their ministry services. Many also offer payment assistance for those that qualify.

Medicaid Payment Assistance Medicaid often covers payment for alcohol and drug treatment. Medicaid coverage do differ by State. We provide recovery centers and programs that do accept Medicaid as payment for treatment.

Payment Assistance Payment assistance is available at a large group of treatment centers. We list this detail in the description. Payment assistance programs are often structured due to the situation. You will need to call the location to find out specific details on payment assistance programs.

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