is a comprehensive resource for information on free alcohol and drug rehab centers in the United States. Our website provides a guide to finding a free rehab center, how to qualify for free rehab, tips for finding free rehab, and a list of local free rehab resources from government to non-profit organizations.
We are committed to helping people who are struggling with addiction find the treatment they need. We know that addiction is a complex disease, and we want to make it easier for people to find the right treatment program for their needs.
Our website is maintained by a team of experts on addiction treatment. We regularly review and update our content to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.
We also offer a variety of resources to help people find free rehab. For example, we offer a blog with articles on a variety of topics related to addiction treatment, such as how to choose a rehab center, what to expect in rehab, and how to support a loved one in rehab. We also offer a directory of free rehab centers and other resources that can help people find free rehab.
We believe that everyone deserves access to quality addiction treatment, regardless of their ability to pay. is here to help people find the free rehab resources they need to get sober and stay sober.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to finding free alcohol and drug rehab centers in the United States. We are committed to helping people who are struggling with addiction find the treatment they need.
Contact us using the form below if you would like further information or there is a problem with a current listing. We want to provide accurate information and sometimes details, phone numbers, and other information get outdated. We rely on helpful website visitors to continually maintain accurate information.
Free Rehab Centers
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Important Definitions
Sliding Scale Treatment Fees that are variable based on the clients ability to pay. Fees are reduced for lower income persons or have less money due to high expenses.
Non-Profit Treatment Many non profit treatment programs are free or are lower cost due to the non profit organizations status.
Faith-Based Treatment Many religious organizations offer drug and alcohol recovery treatment at no cost as part of their ministry services. Many also offer payment assistance for those that qualify.
Medicaid Payment Assistance Medicaid often covers payment for alcohol and drug treatment. Medicaid coverage do differ by State. We provide recovery centers and programs that do accept Medicaid as payment for treatment.
Payment Assistance Payment assistance is available at a large group of treatment centers. We list this detail in the description. Payment assistance programs are often structured due to the situation. You will need to call the location to find out specific details on payment assistance programs.
Search for Free Rehab Centers
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